Receiving Peace chapter 2
by Margaret Lehman October 12, 2020
Near and Far
“I create the fruit of the lips:
Peace, peace to him who is far off
and to him who is near,” says the LORD,
“And I will heal him.”
Isaiah 57:19 NKJV
Ever been in that headspace where you’re sure God is living and active…in everybody else’s story? And you decide you must be the only one out of range somehow?
Welcome to the human club.
“But Zion said, ‘The LORD has forsaken me; my Lord has forgotten me.’” Isaiah 49:14
No, no. He’s not like that. The One who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth sees where I am in it.
Like hitting the “Seek” button on my car radio, I can find a couple different stations to tune in to.
The snake-talk channel always has a strong signal. It “informs” me that God has ranked us all on a spectrum. And “too bad for you, He’s more compassionate toward whichever end of the spectrum you’re not.”
If I feel far away from God, I think, “God’s peace and presence are for those big-spirited folks who run hard after Him and have gifts and abilities that are really cool. They’re close to God. They’re His favorites, and they can hear Him when He says something like ‘Peace to you.’”
Or, I decide that peace is for those God is reaching and rescuing far away. The ones with the big, dramatic stories. They really need His attention, so they get it. I’m not hemorrhaging today; I’m at the end of the triage line. He has more urgent, important cases than to work with me right now.
Both are lies that distort the heart and the immensity of God.
Hit the “Seek” button again. There is another channel. Turn up the volume and listen.
“I have seen. I will heal. Peace. Peace to the far and the near.”
The Voice resonates across the entire spectrum. It resounds in echoes as strong far away as near. And it speaks in hope and tender whispers as close as it does far.
He has the ability, the time, and the desire to speak to me wherever I am. He speaks peace when I am far away. And He speaks peace when I am close. The God whose awe I have glimpsed is making His move in my direction. And He is speaking peace.
I am not beyond His reach. Neither are you. And the reason you are seeking to tune in to the sound of His peace is explained by the fact that He is calling you.