Receiving Peace chapter 2
by Margaret Lehman October 7, 2020
Your God Reigns
How beautiful upon the mountains
Are the feet of him who brings good news,
Who proclaims peace,
Who brings glad tidings of good things,
Who proclaims salvation,
Who says to Zion,
“Your God reigns!”
Isaiah 52:7 NKJV
I have found myself focusing more on the One making the
promise of peace than on the promise itself. Maybe that’s not a bad thing. When
I am sure of the One who gives the peace, I am sure that the peace He gives is
the real deal.
And sometimes the assurance of His promise is made even better
when I see how He handles the enemies of my soul.
Listening to the Almighty slice and dice false gods in
Isaiah 41:22-24 makes me want to snicker, if that’s not too heretical. Here’s
my heavily paraphrased version:
Tell us what happened so long
ago…Or tell us what’s coming up next. [What? You can’t?] OK, tell us the future
then, so we’ll know you are gods. [What do you mean you don’t know how?] OK,
then do something good. [Crickets.] Something evil? [Cat got your tongue? Do
you know WHY you can’t do anything right now? Because…] you are nothing.
Utterly worthless. And everything you do amounts to absolutely nothing.
And then I read again Isaiah 52:7. Guess what, children of
the Holy One? Good news. I can announce goodness, happiness, salvation, and
peace to you in full confidence for one reason: Your God is not like them. He
sits as King. Your God is the Omnipotent. He reigns! He knows the end from the
beginning. He declares what is to come. He acts and none can reverse it. He
knows your name and has not forgotten you. He speaks truth and declares what is
right. He is first and last. His hands laid the foundation of earth, and when
He calls, all creation comes to attention. He is Savior, Holy One, Redeemer.
And to Him every knee will bow.
And if He says peace and goodness for you, peace and goodness
it is. The real power gets His way. That’s how this works.
Not because He’s a bully. Because He’s God. By definition
of terms, there is no higher standard, no greater power, no more superlative
authority. If there were, THAT would be god instead of Yahweh.
The forces that would break you and destroy your peace must
bow to His sovereignty. What they have done in your past and what they threaten
for your future pale before the immensity of His power. Your God reigns! And
this is the God who has announced peace for you.